

We're pumped and ready to rock Hydro Kids today. Check out what's in store. If you're new, the first one is on us so come and check us out!

5 rounds
5 squats
5 ring lock outs
200-meter run

Skin the Cat

CrossFit Tag


Hey guys! We look forward to seeing you all Saturday at noon! If you're new, your first one is on us! Here's what's going on!


5 rounds
6 deadlifts,

6 walking lunges
6 push-ups

Cross-Fit Tag 


Good morning!!
We're ready to rock Hydro Kids at noon with rowing, burpees, and box over-unders and some Mat Attack! First class is on us so come on in and let us show your kid some fun and functional human movement!


Saturday Workout

Here's the Saturday's workout!

5 rounds for time:
5 knees to elbows/armpits
1 rope climb
broad jump from the wall to the rig

Rest 30 seconds in between each round

Skill: Rope Climbs

Game: TBA


Hey guys, this is Hydro Kids' first post on their new website! Welcome!!! We're glad that you've taken a second to check us out!

Our goal at Hyrdro Kids is to help your child to have a good time exerting physical energy and make a positive connection with staying fit while practicing all of the mandatory physical movements required for human movement.

We are currently working through the process to become CrossFit Kids affiliated and hope to have the CFKids tag in a matter of time. We look forward to being able to count ourselves as one of the many quality CFKids affiliates and set the standard of quality for coaching youngsters in the metro Omaha area.