3x or 5:00
10 arm circles forward and backward => 5 super-slow squats => bear crawl => 3 push-ups => 4 monkey hangs => 3 hollow rocks => 5 one-legged forward-backward hops, each leg => 50-meter run
3x or 5:00
10 arm circles forward and backward => 5 super-slow squats => bear crawl => 3 push-ups => 4 monkey hangs => 3 hollow rocks => 5 one-legged forward-backward hops, each leg => 50-meter run
Front squat; focus on laser beam elbows throughout the movement
Front squat; focus on laser beam elbows throughout the movement
5:00-7:00 AMRAP
6 front squats
6 burpees
6 tuck jumps
5:00-7:00 AMRAP
6 front squats
6 burpees
6 tuck jumps
Don’t Touch the Floor – A variety of obstacles will be set up in a large circle to be climbed/swung over, through, or under without touching the floor. Once someone touches the floor, everyone comes into the middle and performs 5 reps of a movement.
Don’t Touch the Floor – A variety of obstacles will be set up in a large circle to be climbed/swung over, through, or under without touching the floor. Once someone touches the floor, everyone comes into the middle and performs 5 reps of a movement.